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Infrastructure App Development

An infrastructure app is a Jinja template that generates one or more Fix Inventory commands which are then executed by Fix Inventory one after the other.

Check out the Fix Inventory Apps git repository for a list of apps.

Using resotoappbundler (pip install resotoappbundler) you can bundle and dry-run (using resotoapprunner) your app locally.

resotoappbundler takes one or more Fix Inventory app directories and bundles them into a single JSON file. This file can be hosted on any http server and used as an app index URL.

Development Workflow​

  1. Create a new directory for app development:

    $ mkdir resoto-app-development
    $ cd resoto-app-development
  2. Create and activate a new Python virtual environment:

    $ python3 -m venv resoto-apps-venv
    $ source resoto-apps-venv/bin/activate
  3. Install resotoappbundler:

    $ pip install resotoappbundler
  4. Check out the resoto-apps GitHub repository:

    $ git clone
  5. Add or modify an app in the resoto-apps directory.


    You can perform a dry run of the cleanup-untagged app for sample infrastructure app output:

    $ resotoapprunner --path resoto-apps/cleanup-untagged/
  6. Bundle all apps into a single index.json file:

    $ resotoappbundler --path resoto-apps/ --discover > index.json
  7. From within Fix Inventory Shell, install an app using the app install command:

    Installing an app from a custom index URL
    > app install <app_name> --index-url <file://...>

    The --index-url argument can be used to specify a custom app index URL.

    By default, Fix Inventory uses the official app index URL.

    For local development, the index URL can point to a local JSON file using file://....

Extra Functions and Variables​

A Fix Inventory Infrastructure App has access to a couple of extras that are not part of the standard Jinja library:

  • search() - Search the Fix Inventory Graph for resources. Returns a generator that yields resources (and edges if requested).
  • parse_duration() - Parse a duration string (e.g. 2d4h or 7 weeks) into a timedelta object that can be compared.
  • config - The app configuration (if any).
  • args - The command line arguments passed to the app (if any).
  • stdin - A generator representing the standard input passed to the app (if any).

Fix Inventory Infrastructure Apps also have access to the Expression Statement and Loop Controls Jinja extensions.

Directory Structure​

An infrastructure app is a directory that contains the following files:

  • - A markdown file that describes the app.
  • app.yaml - A YAML file that contains the app manifest.
  • app.jinja2 - A Jinja template that generates Fix Inventory commands.
  • app.svg - A vector graphics icon for the app.

App Manifest​

The app manifest is a YAML file that contains the following fields:

  • name - The name of the app.
  • description - A short description of the app.
  • version - The version of the app.
  • language - The language of the app. Currently only jinja2 is supported.
  • license - The license of the app.
  • authors - A list of authors.
  • url - The URL of the app.
  • categories - A list of categories the app belongs to.
  • default_config - The default configuration of the app.
  • config_schema - The configuration schema of the app.
  • args_schema - The command line arguments schema of the app.

Example Apps​

search /metadata.expires < "@NOW@" | clean "Resource is expired"
name: cleanup-expired
description: "This app cleans up resources that have expired."
version: "1.0.0"
language: jinja2
license: "Apache 2.0"
authors: ["someengineering"]
url: ""
categories: ["cleanup"]

Clean Up Abandoned AWS CloudWatch Instance Alarms​

{%- set config = config["cleanup_aws_alarms"] %}
{%- for cloud, accounts in config["clouds_and_accounts"].items() %}
{%- for account in accounts %}
search is(aws_cloudwatch_alarm) and / == "{{account}}" and / == "{{cloud}}" and cloudwatch_dimensions[*].name = InstanceId with (empty, <-- is(aws_ec2_instance)) | clean "Abandoned CloudWatch Instance Alarm"
{%- endfor %}
{%- endfor %}
name: cleanup-aws-alarms
description: "This plugin marks all abandoned AWS CloudWatch Instance Alarms for cleanup."
version: "1.0.0"
language: jinja2
license: "Apache 2.0"
authors: ["someengineering"]
url: ""
categories: ["cleanup"]
- '1234567'
- '567890'
- fqn: cleanup_aws_alarms
bases: []
- name: clouds_and_accounts
kind: dictionary[string, string[]]
required: false
description: Clouds and accounts to cleanup AWS alarms in.

Send a Message to a Discord Channel​

{%- set config = config["discord"] %}
{%- set message = [] %}
{%- for resource in stdin %}
{%- set reported = resource.get("reported", {}) %}
{%- set ancestors = resource.get("ancestors", {}) %}
{%- set account = ancestors.get("account", {}).get("reported", {}).get("name") %}
{%- set kind = reported.get("kind") %}
{%- set id = reported.get("id") %}
{%- set name = reported.get("id") %}
{%- if id == name %}
{%- set dname = id %}
{%- else %}
{%- set dname = name ~ ' (' ~ id ~ ')' %}
{%- endif %}
{%- set kdname = account ~ ' - ' ~ kind ~ ' ' ~ dname %}
{%- do message.append(kdname) %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- set message = message | join(" | ") %}
{%- set discord_data = {"embeds": [{"type": "rich", "title": args.title, "description": message, "footer": {"text": "Message created by Fix Inventory"}}]} %}
json {{ discord_data | tojson }} | http POST {{ config["webhook"] }}
name: discord
description: "Discord client for Fix Inventory"
version: "1.0.0"
language: jinja2
license: "Apache 2.0"
authors: ["someengineering"]
url: ""
categories: ["tools"]
webhook: ''
- fqn: discord
bases: []
- name: webhook
kind: string
required: true
description: Discord Webhook URL.
help: "Title of the message to send to Discord."
type: str
required: true
help: "Message to send to Discord."
type: str
required: true
help: "Message to send to Discord."
type: int
default: 10