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dump Command

The dump command outputs all properties of elements.

If no output format is given, the output is transformed to fit on one line per element using the list command. Dump retains all properties of the elements.




> search is(volume) limit 1 | dump
​id: 0QcwZ5DHsS58A1tHEk5JRQ
​​ kind: gcp_disk
​ id: '7027640035137'
​ tags:
​ owner: 'dev-rel'
​ name: gke-cluster-1
​ ctime: '2021-08-04T08:31:42Z'
​ volume_size: 50
​ volume_type: pd-standard
​ volume_status: available
​ snapshot_before_delete: false
​ link:
​ label_fingerprint: nT7_dAxskBs=
​ last_attach_timestamp: '2021-08-04T08:31:42Z'
​ last_detach_timestamp: '2021-08-04T08:31:42Z'
​ age: 5mo25d
​ protected: false
​ cloud:
​ reported:
​ name: gcp
​ id: gcp
​ account:
​ reported:
​ name: eng-ksphere-platform
​ id: eng-ksphere-platform
​ region:
​ reported:
​ name: us-central1
​ id: '1000'
​ zone:
​ reported:
​ name: us-central1-c
​ id: '2002'