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Version: 4.1.0

Get the currently defined model.



Get the currently defined model.


Path Parameters

    graph_id stringrequired

    The identifier of the graph

    Example: fix

Query Parameters

    flat boolean

    If true, the hierarchy of complex kinds is flattened, holding all properties and all merged metadata.

    kind string

    Only return information about the defined kinds. Comma separated list.

    filter string

    Only return information about kinds that include given string. Comma separated list.

    with_bases boolean

    Render all base classes. Only together with kind or filter

    format string

    Possible values: [schema, simple]

    The format of the returned json

    with_property_kinds boolean

    Render types of property values. Only together with kind or filter


The list of all kinds.


  • Array [

  • oneOf

    min_length string

    The minimal length of this string

    max_length string

    The maximal length of this string

    pattern string

    The regexp pattern, that this string has to adhere to

    enum string[]

    The allowed values of this string enumerated here



    Possible values: [string, int32, int64, float, double, boolean, date, datetime]

    The runtime kind of this kind


    fqn string

    The fully qualified name of the kind

  • ]
