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Version: 4.1.0

clean Command

The clean command marks resources for cleaning by setting desired.clean=true to the resources. Resources marked as such will be removed during the cleanup phase of the next collect_and_cleanup workflow run.

The clean command expects query results (objects) or an array of object IDs to be piped as input. Optionally, you can provide a reason for marking the matched resources to be pruned during the next cleanup run. The reason is logged and can be useful in reviewing why a particular resource was deleted.


It is also possible to mark resources as protected using the protect command. Protected resources will never be cleaned up.


clean <reason>


ParameterDescriptionRequired?Default Value
reasonReason for cleanup


Mark volumes that have not been accessed in the last month for cleanup, and list the ID and desired section for each
> search is(volume) and last_access>1month | clean "Volume not accessed for longer than 1 month" | list id, /desired
​id=vol-123, clean=true
Manually mark specific resources for cleanup
> json ["vol-123"] | clean | list id, /desired
​id=vol-123, clean=true
Mark all unused EBS volume older than 30 days that had no I/O during the past 7 days for cleaning
> search is(volume) and ctime < -30d and atime < -7d and mtime < -7d and volume_status = available | clean "older than 30d with more then 7d of not beeing used"