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Version: 4.1.0

search Command

The search command allows you to search the graph using filters, traversals, and functions.


search [--with-edges] [--explain] [--at] <query>


ParameterDescriptionRequired?Default Value
querySearch query to execute✔️


--with-edgesReturn edges in addition to nodes
--explainInstead of executing the query, analyze its cost
--atSearch at a specific point in time using existing Fix Inventory Rewind snapshots


  • match
  • query


Find accounts across all cloud providers
> search is(account)
Find all AWS accounts
> search is(aws_account)
Find all AWS accounts more than 2 weeks old
> search is(aws_account) and age>2w
Find all AWS accounts that are either older than 2 weeks or have more than 10 users
> search is(aws_account) and (age>2w or users<10)
Find 3 AWS accounts that are are either older than 2 weeks or have more than 10 users
> search is(aws_account) and (age>2w or users>10) limit 3
Find the 3 AWS accounts that are more than 2 weeks old with the greatest number of users
> search is(aws_account) and age>2w sort users desc limit 3
Find all volumes that existed at a specific point in time
> search --at 2023-05-07T12:34:56Z is(volume)
Find all volumes that existed a week ago
> search --at 1w is(volume)

Further Reading