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config show Command

The config show command shows the specified configuration.


config show <id>


ParameterDescriptionRequired?Default Value
idConfiguration identifierβœ”οΈ


> configs show fix.core
​ # API related properties.
​ api:
​ # TCP host(s) to bind on (default: ['localhost'])
​ web_hosts:
​ - 'localhost'
​ # TCP port to bind on (default: 8900)
​ web_port: 8900
​ # Web path root (default: /).
​ # This should only be required, if you are running a proxy server, that is not able to handle a sub-path.
​ web_path: '/'
​ # The url to the time series database. This path will be served under /tsdb/.
​ tsdb_proxy_url: null
​ # The directory where the UI is installed. This directory will be served under
​ ui_path: null
​ # The certificate configuration for this server.
​ host_certificate:
​ # The common name of the certificate
​ common_name: ''
​ # Include loopback in certificate
​ include_loopback: true
​ # List of DNS names to include in CSR
​ san_dns_names: []
​ # List of IP addresses to include in CSR
​ san_ip_addresses: []
​ # CLI related properties.
​ cli:
​ # Use this graph for CLI actions, if no graph is specified explicitly.
​ default_graph: 'resoto'
​ # Use this graph section by default, if no section is specified.
​ # Relative paths will be interpreted with respect to this section.
​ default_section: 'reported'
​ # Properties for updating the graph.
​ graph_update:
​ # Max waiting time to complete a merge graph action.
​ merge_max_wait_time_seconds: 3600
​ # If a graph update takes longer than this duration, the update is aborted.
​ abort_after_seconds: 14401
​ # Runtime related properties.
​ runtime:
​ # Enable debug logging and exception tracing.
​ debug: false
​ # Log level (default: info)
​ log_level: 'info'
​ # PlantUML server URI for UML image rendering.
​ plantuml_server: ''
​ # Start the collect workflow, when the first handling actor connects to the system.
​ start_collect_on_subscriber_connect: false
​ # Help us improving Fix Inventory by collecting usage metrics.
​ # See for more information.
​ # This data is anonymous. No personally identifiable information is captured or stored.
​ usage_metrics: true
​ # Workflow related properties.
​ workflows:
​ collect_and_cleanup:
​ # Cron expression as schedule for the workflow to run.
​ schedule: '0 * * * *'