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report benchmark show Command

The report benchmark show command displays information about a security benchmark.


report benchmark show <benchmark_id>


ParameterDescriptionRequired?Default Value
benchmark_idBenchmark identifier✔️


> report benchmark show aws_cis_1_5
# Title of the benchmark or report check collection.
title: 'AWS CIS 1.5.0'
# Framework the benchmark is based on.
framework: 'CIS'
# List of applicable cloud providers. If the benchmark is not cloud specific, the value would be null.
- 'aws'
# Version of the benchmark.
version: '1.5'
# Description of the benchmark.
description: 'The CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations Benchmark provides prescriptive guidance for configuring security options for a subset of Amazon Web Services with an emphasis on foundational, testable, and architecture agnostic settings.'
# Nested collections.
- # Title of the benchmark or report check collection.
title: 'Section 1: Access Management'
# Description of the benchmark.
description: 'This section contains recommendations for configuring identity and access management related options.'
# Nested collections.
# cut for brevity